Makeup my way:
what to expect from a mini masterclass

Carolynne Bull-Edwards

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Tired of your same old makeup? I was, and knew my friends felt the same, but we were all too daunted by the marketing overload and youth-focused beauty parade to do anything about it. 

Where do I start? What do I change? Who do I ask? Were questions we had asked ourselves as our skin and face shape had begun to change with age. We all shared one thing in common and that was that the makeup routines we’d fallen into over the years were no longer fit for purpose. We held our hands up and embarrassingly admitted we didn’t really have a clue what we were doing. 

Making it up as you go along, if you excuse the pun, was no longer cutting it for us and we wanted to learn more. We wanted to look our best, with makeup advice and tips specific to our needs and not the younger fresh-faced girls of teenage magazine covers.

Jane with her years of experience as a professional makeup artist gave each of us personal advice and just the confidence we needed. 

So, here’s what to expect from a mini masterclass:

  • Gather a group of friends and decide who will host.
  • Choose which mini masterclass to go for (this is the difficult bit as we wanted to do them all - we let the majority vote win and then agreed to work through the list and take it in turns to host).
  • Before the event Jane made contact with each of us to understand our personal needs.
  • On the day Jane arrived early and set up each station with a mirror and a clipboard with lesson notes, so we didn’t forget a thing.  
  • The masterclass is for two hours and starts with an informal chat, where no questions are daft ones – this puts everyone at ease from the outset.
  • Jane then demonstrates the first stage on the host (in this case me) and then works around the room, guiding each lady on perfecting the technique for themselves.
  • Each stage is fully explained so everyone can instantly apply what they’ve learnt.
  • We finished off with a delicious lunch provided by Jane’s business partner Cathy, this was an optional extra. 

What Jane offers is something quite unique: she takes her years of expertise working with celebrities, film and TV producers, brides and ladies wanting to appear their very best and shares it in an open and accessible way.  

We had such an enlightening afternoon and left feeling fresher, more radiant and, dare I say, happier versions of ourselves.